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What is coaching all about, anyway?

What is a Discovery Session?

It’s a powerful way to begin your coaching journey, with a COMPLIMENTARY 60-minute deep-dive discovery session with me.  It’s a valuable collaborative space & an opportunity for you to work with me to identify what happens next. Together we will discuss the power of coaching and you will learn how I can help you remove pain, gain confidence, improve your way of thinking, discover, or rediscover your purpose and get to your desired outcome.  You will learn how you can bridge the gap between where you are now and WHERE YOU WANT TO BE!  WHERE YOU’RE MEANT TO BE!

Can you relate?

Are you STUCK in your life; in a place you've settled for just because...?

Is the rut that you're stuck in so deep, you can't see over the top to what you're missing?

Have you FORGOTTEN what moves you, or never even discovered it?

Has your self-confidence EVAPORATED?

Do you DRAG yourself, moaning and groaning from your bed each morning?

Does your face ACHE? (It only takes around 13 muscles to smile, but around 41 muscles to frown; hence the aching face)

Does the next day, week, or year fill you with DREAD?

Do the last days, weeks, or years fill you with DISAPPOINTMENT?

Do you regularly ask yourself, "What's the point?"



What is coaching?

Coaching is a safe space for you to challenge yourself, recognise your strengths & skills, break down barriers, overcome hurdles, identify achievable outcomes and effective actions to help you achieve those desired outcomes, all while having me as a sounding board and guide and there being zero judgement.  We get there by me using tried and tested coaching frameworks & models that I have been trained in and have experience with, to help you discover the answers you already know. Imagine me as the lamp on the helmet of a miner (that’s you).  Without that lamp, you would fumble and stumble around in the dark, feeling your way blindly in who-knows-which direction?  Maybe to safety/success, or perhaps to danger/failure.  With the light on, THE PATH TO SAFETY & SUCCESS WILL BE EASIER & QUICKER TO FIND.

What kind of coach am I?


I specialise in helping unfulfilled experienced professionals to DISCOVER THEIR PURPOSE & TRANSFORM from surviving to THRIVING.  Whether that be in your current role or space, your personal or professional life, or if you’re looking to move to something or somewhere new.

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How can I help YOU?

I CAN HELP YOU because I have been you.  I was stuck in a rut of perpetually working just to pay the bills.  Scratching enough together to pay for a meagre existence with zero fulfilment, prospects, job satisfaction and minimal joy.  I had no time for socialising.  I had barely enough money to pay for a decent holiday once every two years if I was lucky.  My relationships were strained.  My thoughts were never present in the moment.  I was always worrying about the next bill, the next project at work, the next problem.


I looked inward and REDISCOVERED the real me, the one with DREAMS & PASSION.  The one who laughed and made others laugh.  I read self-help books, began journaling and meditating (both things I used to mock).  It was tough, doing it alone.  If I’d have known what I know now about coaching, I would most definitely have invested and ACCELERATED THE PROCESS.


Here is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to do just that.  I can help you turn a directionless 5-year journey of self-discovery cluttered with pitfalls and setbacks, into a SPEEDY, STRUCTURED & FULLY SUPPORTED TRANSFORMATION IN A MATTER OF MONTHS, OR EVEN WEEKS.


How does coaching with me work?

TOGETHER, we will talk about you:  what you want, when you want it by, where you are now, what stands in your way, how you can get past those blocks, what SUCCESS looks like, what the DREAM is and how together, we can make it a REALITY.  Whether the DREAM is as small as drinking less coffee or as big as owning your own business, or home in the Maldives.  YOU have the POWER TO MAKE IT HAPPEN and I will help you recognise and discover how.


My approach

I have a relaxed style of coaching.  I endeavour to make all clients feel as comfortable and free to express themselves as possible.  I am happy to meet face to face (within reason), but most sessions will be held over a Zoom call, so you can be in full control of your environment and feel confident and relaxed. I am currently studying for a diploma in Life, Personal Performance Coaching, recognised by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Relax into CHANGE

Can I afford coaching?  Isn’t coaching expensive?

If you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to change your life forever, then the question you should be asking yourself is, “Is it worth staying stuck where I am and saving the cost of coaching with Mark?”

My coaching is tailored to your unique needs.  I have a selection of packages designed for all requirements that will bring VALUE to YOU. 

BOOK A DISCOVERY SESSION with me and we can discuss what your needs are and decide on the right package for you. 

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Money back guarantee

I am a coach who is here for results.  I am confident that you will achieve your desired outcome when working with me.  I will give my all to make that happen for you. If you feel that hasn’t happened, I offer a full refund – no questions asked.

What results can you expect from my coaching?

I cannot promise you immediate or miraculous results.   But I will say that immediate and miraculous results are very much achievable.  I can promise you that, if you apply yourself to your agreed actions with passion and determination, you will reach your desired outcome much sooner through a coaching relationship with me, than if you were to go it alone.


So, what’s stopping you?  Click the link below.  Take immediate & imperfect action and start the ball rolling on changing your life for the better, FOREVER!

Together, with my support, you will discover the real you.  You will become the person you always knew you were.  The person you always wanted to be.  You will look back at your old life with a smile on your face and no regrets.  You will look forward at your new life and all its possibilities with excitement and awe.


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